Human trafficking

Human trafficking

Human trafficking

The trade in people. Exploitation of people to make money. It is a form of modern slavery. Trafficking in human beings is a gross violation of human dignity and the physical and mental integrity of victims. Human trafficking is a serious violation of fundamental human rights. Victims are traumatized by what they have experienced in the exploitation by pimp and human trafficker.

As an organisation, we help and support victims of human trafficking. We also help those who have been or are at risk of being a victim in the past. Our team has contact with victims who are still in human trafficking situations as well as with people who have come out of a human trafficking situation and ask for advice and help.

Human trafficking happens all around us. We as a society have a responsibility to see the women, men and children who are victims and we have a responsibility to take action so that they can be released. Learn the signs and know what to do!

Human trafficking figures in European Union

Sources: file:///C:/Downloads/third_progress_report_factsheet.pdf ;file:///C:/2020-TIP-Report-Complete-062420-FINAL.pdf

Women and girls

Women and girls are the main victims of this serious and organized crime. 72% of all registered victims in the EU are women and girls. Women and girls are the vast majority (92%) of victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation in the European Union.


Children are 22% of all victims. Almost three quarters (74%) of all child victims are EU citizens, the majority (64%) of whom were trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation. The vast majority (78%) of the child victims were girls. In 2019, 1072 children were missing from asylum centers and reception centers for unaccompanied minors in Belgium.


Half of the victims are EU citizens. EU citizens make up almost half (49%) of all victims of trafficking in human beings. More than a third (34 %) of victims are trafficked in their own EU Member State. Victims are also brought to Europe from non-EU countries. For example, China, Morocco and Nigeria.

open eyes

Do you know the signs of human trafficking?

Signs of exploitation

Sexual exploitation

A person is forced to perform sexual acts against payment in the form of money or other compensation.
Sexual exploitation is the most common form of human trafficking in Europe, with 60% of registered victims. The 'loverboy' method is often used to bring someone into prostitution. Sexual exploitation can take place in prostitution, escort agencies and services, in massage parlors, bars and nightclubs and in the porn industry.

Other shapes

human trafficking

Forced begging;

Forced crime;

Forced and sham marriages;

Organ removal

Please note: Human trafficking is different from Human smuggling



Victims are forced to work in conditions contrary to human dignity, either without pay or with very low wages.
15% of all European registered victims were affected by human trafficking for labor exploitation. Labor exploitation mainly affects men: 68% of all victims were men. High-risk sectors for labor exploitation include agriculture, construction, hospitality and domestic work. But victims can be found everywhere, in every sector.

Human trafficking in numbers

Worldwide, 24.9 million people are slaves to sexual exploitation, labor exploitation and other forms. If you include numbers of forced marriages, there are 40.3 million victims worldwide.

Belgium estimates that there are about 23,000 victims...

Many go unnoticed and remain hidden in society!

-> The criminal methods of traffickers have changed due to the extensive use of the internet and social media and the deployment of technology at many stages of the human trafficking chain.

-> An increased risk of human trafficking remains in the context of migration, as trafficking networks continue to abuse people's vulnerabilities and asylum procedures, mainly for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Women and unaccompanied minors are at particular risk of trafficking.

-> Particularly vulnerable: Vulnerable people, men, women and children, including in certain Roma communities, are particularly at risk of being targeted by traffickers for sexual exploitation, labor exploitation, forced begging, forced crime, forced marriage.

-> Covid-19 increases the vulnerabilities and risk of human trafficking for sexual and labor exploitation.

Belgian figures 2019:

-> assistance started for a total of 145 victims

including 87 victims of labor exploitation and 52 victims of sexual exploitation. 6 minors were registered.


- Total number of child victims who received help in 2019 is not sufficiently registered

- These numbers are of victims who accede to the "status victim of human trafficking" connected to the Payoke, Pagasa and Surya shelters

The available figures on human trafficking only show the visible tip of the iceberg. The true extent of the phenomenon is unknown.


The Global slavery index

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