Teams are present in the various prostitution districts in Belgium. Building trust, connect, personal relationships, looking for opportunities together, building bridges to assistance and reaching out to victims of human trafficking are keywords.
Social workers support women in achieving personal goals. Connection, standing in your strength, empowerment with sensitivity to trauma are keywords. If necessary, there is the possibility of shelter and financial sponsorship during the transition period.
As an organization we are a group of people who stand next to the women. In our meeting places and friendship relationships, everyone belongs and everyone can make a difference. The team and the women form a supportive community together.
"Many women are very lonely. We are present in the neighborhoods and offer a listening ear. We want to encourage and let them know that we see them and are there for them"
"Women are often in crisis in a first conversation. We build trust and connection. We listen and look for answers together with them."
"We organize activities and workshops where skills can be learned and strengthened"
The world of prostitution and human trafficking is very complex. We speak about this from our experiences. We also offer survivors a platform to make their voices heard.
Our coffee bar "KoffieKlap" is a place where women can gain work experience in a safe environment together with an enthusiastic team. With the support of a coach learning goals are identified and skills are learned and strengtened.
A safe place to live is a first step towards stability. Cherut has a number of transition rooms where women can live for a period. We also offer crisis care and we work together with host families.
This video gives an insight into what the Cherut organization stands for and also shows coffee bar KoffieKlap. You are always welcome in our coffee bar in Antwerp, Klapdorp 41. For information and opening hours: facebook/insta Koffieklap.Koffiebar with story - 'an extraordinary story'
Address: Klapdorp 41
2000 Antwerp
Phone/ WhatsApp: 32 484 076 976
Company number:
BE 0681.581.485